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Foxx: Put Students’ Needs First

Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued additional school reopening guidance:
“Today’s CDC guidance makes the point I have been making for months. We must get America’s students back in school.
“Not even two months into the new presidency, and the Biden administration has already walked back its promise to reopen schools safely in the first 100 days. It is clear the Biden administration would rather curry favor with political allies than do what is right for families, students, and teachers. America deserves better.
“The White House claims to approach this issue ambitiously, but the lights are still off in schools across America and students remain at home.
“The science is clear. Students can return to the classroom safely with proper precautions. It is time those in leadership positions put the needs of students first and turn excuses into action.”


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