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Foxx on Biden's Support of Ransom Payments to Teachers' Unions

Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after President Biden falsely claimed that the latest round of COVID-19 relief funds is necessary to reopen schools: 
"President Biden is supporting ransom payments to teachers’ unions, who are holding our children’s in-person education hostage in exchange for unrelated, radical pet projects. The necessary funding was allocated under President Trump; only nine percent of the Democrats’ latest bill will support COVID-19 related health initiatives, and there are no provisions in the bill requiring schools that receive funding to reopen. 
"This bill is untargeted, reckless spending that benefits the far left at the expense of children who desperately want to be back in the classroom. If Biden believes this is 'unity,' we have a difficult four years ahead of us." 
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