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Students on Shutdowns: What Students Have to Say About School Closures

This week marks the one-year anniversary of school closures across America. While the adjustment to remote learning took a toll on children’s grades, mental health, and futures, teachers unions and special interest groups trampled on school reopening plans as they pushed for their own radical demands.

Today, we’re listening to Students on Shutdowns, refocusing the conversation on those who have the most to lose from school closures and hearing what they have to say about returning to the classroom.

Junior, Baltimore, Maryland

“The hardest part of remote learning has been keeping myself motivated and holding myself accountable. I’m going into my junior year, which is probably the most important year for college admissions, and I don’t feel like I’m able to put my best foot forward. I’ve worked hard to get to the point I’m at now, and I fear that all of my college plans will go out of the window due to circumstances out of my control.

“Overall, I’m worried about how prepared I am mentally to adjust to such a huge change, while still continuing to perform well academically. I’m hopeful that my school will be more prepared to accommodate all of our needs so that everyone can have the best possible experience.”

Age 18, New Orleans

“On the day before classrooms reopened last month, Jzayla begged her mother to take her to the mall to buy a new outfit. She cleaned her room and got her book bag together in preparation…

“Once they arrived, however, she was dismayed to find only three students in her classroom, and social distancing made it hard to break the ice. ‘I didn’t know if I knew how to make friends anymore,’ she said.

“Still, she said, just being around other students makes her happy. And having her teachers nearby gave her a fresh boost of confidence. ‘I felt motivated, like I wanted to do more,’ she said. ‘I haven’t felt that way in a while, and I got a lot of work done.’”

Fourth Grade, Kansas City, Missouri 

Source: Teach for America
I want to go back in the school building. I'm hoping that I can still play with my friends and also be in the same class with my friends.”

Senior, Las Vegas

"Time is running out. But if we can just go back full time to school, I can figure out what my life is going to look like.”

Age 9, California

Source: Fox News

It was really exciting ... I walked in and they wrote my name down and then they took my temperature and I had to line up with all the other kids six feet away ... It was raining that day, so we didn't get to do recess.

“But ... on Friday, the next day that we went [to school], recess was really fun because we did hula hooping competitions, we did four square, where we ran around and it was just really fun to actually have a bunch of kids around me and not just be alone in my room.”

Age 9, Chicago

“I was a little scared because I didn’t want to get the virus.

“But I feel a lot better because of all the safety precautions. Like, just in case, we have tissues and hand sanitizer everywhere. And they take my temperature before I walk in and after lunch.”

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