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Foxx on CDC’s Updated School Reopening Guidance

Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) made the following statement in response to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) announcement that schools can reopen safely with only three feet of social distancing, clearing the way for students to resume in-person learning:

“After more than a year of school closures, I am pleased the CDC updated school reopening guidance, recommending three feet of social distancing, clearing the way for students to return safely to in-person learning. But this decision comes after months of the Biden administration willfully ignoring the science and dragging its feet as child after child fell behind in school or dropped off the map completely. What we’re seeing here today is the bare minimum - not an extraordinary effort - to make it possible for public schools to open their doors without extraneous funding or caving to teachers union demands. Had this decision been made earlier, months of learning loss could have been avoided, especially among youth of color and those living in poverty. Late is better than never, but in this case, our nation’s students paid the price.”


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