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Foxx Slams Education Department’s Proposed Priorities on School Curriculum

Today, Republican Leader of the Education and Labor Committee Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement in response to the Education Department’s proposed priorities on school curriculum, which would trample academic independence and unfairly reward schools that implement debunked, left-wing ideologies in America’s classrooms:
“This week’s proposed priorities from the Education Department are a blatant assault on educational freedom. Federal law has long prohibited the heavy hand of government from meddling in our nation’s classrooms, yet President Biden is kowtowing to the radical left and seeking to reward schools unfairly that adopt curricula based on the myth that America is inherently racist.
“Even worse, this anti-American proposal cites the 1619 Project, the central premise of which has been widely debunked by historians across the ideological spectrum, while also claiming – ironically – that addressing misinformation in the classroom is a top priority. It’s clear that in Democrats’ endless pursuit of a socialist America, facts are the first casualty.
“The last avenue Democrats should be taking advantage of to push their radical agenda is our educational institutions, which are historically rooted in academic independence. This is a shameful attempt from President Biden and the Education Department to weave misguided, left-wing propaganda into every aspect of Americans’ lives. I will be submitting comments during the public feedback period to ensure the administration is held accountable.”

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