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ICYMI: @EdLaborGOP Fights Back Against Radical Critical Race Theory Priorities

Committee Republicans are not sitting idly by while President Biden and the radical left try to turn civics lessons into Socialism 101. The administration supports critical race theory curriculum, which reduces our children to victims and oppressors based solely on the color of their skin. The Education Department is using this racist ideology to radicalize an entire generation of young people against America and the ideals of freedom and equality.
The federal government has no business dictating what school districts should teach, especially not when that curriculum frames the American Dream as a white supremacist one. Our children, no matter their race or zip code, deserve to learn that there is room for them to succeed in America.
In Case You Missed It via Politico, Reps. Murphy (R-NC) and Cawthorn (R-NC) introduced bills this week that will prevent the federal government from funding and prioritizing critical race theory curriculum:
Foxx, fellow House Republicans float bills targeting ‘critical race theory’
By Bianca Quilantan
May 12, 2021

(Politico)- The top Republican on the House education committee has co-sponsored two bills introduced Wednesday aimed at blocking the Education Department from encouraging school districts to incorporate "critical race theory" into their curriculum...

Both measures seek to cut off federal money that might influence local decisions about whether to use an academic method designed to explore systemic racism in American policies, echoing a widespread outcry among conservatives nationwide who see the concept itself as racist.
Murphy’s bill would amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to “prohibit Federal mandates direction or control with respect to American history and civics education, and for other purposes...” 

Cawthorn’s bill would ensure no funds from the [Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021] could be used to fund the Education Department's proposed priorities for the American History and Civics Education program “or any other priority or requirement related to the teaching of Critical Race Theory under any grant, contract or cooperative agreement.’’

Read the full Politico article here.
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