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ICYMI: Free College Tuition Programs Already Exist

While Democrats continue their infighting over whether President Biden should cancel student loan debt, Education and Labor Committee Republicans know the truth: for those who want it, free college tuition is available.

On top of Pell grants, which can absolve many low-income students’ need for loans, two existing tax incentives allow students to either partner with a business that will pay for their education upfront or accept a position that offers a student loan repayment assistance program. This means that student loan debt can be repaid without the borrower spending a dime.

In Case You Missed It via the Washington Times, Rep. Virginia Foxx urged businesses to utilize these programs as engines of economic recovery and workforce development:
By: Rep. Virginia Foxx
June 9, 2021

(Washington Times)… Elected Democrats and their technocrat allies want to create free college programs and cancel all student loan debt. There is just one problem: college is already free

Most students receive grant aid from federal, state, and local governments. Colleges themselves usually discount their sticker price by offering students scholarships…

There are two federal tax incentives that cut college costs even further and make postsecondary education effectively free for students. The first option students have is to avoid debt entirely by working for an entity with a tuition assistance program. The second involves financing college with debt and then getting a job with a business that offers student loan repayment assistance

There is no need for gimmicky, wasteful, and bureaucratic “build back better” initiatives. Further federal interference is counterproductive. It is time to trust American ingenuity.

To read the full op-ed in the Washington Times, click here

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