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ICYMI: @EdLaborGOP is Now on Medium

Skills-based education is a worthy, equal alternative to a college degree. At a time when tuition is skyrocketing and a degree does not necessarily translate to an in-demand job, many students and their parents wonder if college is still the best option.
Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) wrote a piece dismantling the hierarchy that exists among higher education, where a four-year, liberal arts degree is considered “success” and a trade or skills-based education is “settling.”
In Case You Missed It via @EdLaborGOP on Medium, skills-based education provides a rewarding, stable path for students to achieve comparable success to those who choose to pursue a baccalaureate degree. 

Taking the “Class” Out of Higher Education

By: Rep Virginia Foxx
July 8, 2021

(Medium) - Years ago, I had a conversation with my brother that stuck with me forever.
He told me that he did not want to attend college but was worried my parents and I would be ashamed of him.
I asked what he wanted to do. His reply, “Be a carpenter.” In that moment, I could not have been prouder…
No one in my family felt anything close to shame about his rewarding career choice.
Our culture’s insistence on a baccalaureate degree as the only pathway to success is so entrenched that those who choose to better themselves through skills-based education often feel shame in that decision.
To that I say: shame on cultural elitists who create a class system within higher education.
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