WASHINGTON – Today, Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee Chairman Burgess Owens (R-UT) delivered the following statement, as prepared for delivery, at a joint subcommittee hearing with the Committee on Natural Resources’ Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations titled "Investigating How the Biden Administration Ignored Cries for Help from Students at Haskell Indian Nations University":
"The Committee gathers today to address the many scandals plaguing Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU). This institution is one of two postsecondary schools operated by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), tasked to provide high-quality education to Native American students. Instead, it is plagued with a history of mismanagement, abuse, and corruption. The issues we’re discussing today are not only a disgrace to the university and federal government entities responsible but also to students and faculty harmed due to lack of metrics and accountability.
"This permissive and toxic mindset has thrived for too long and has negatively impacted numerous Native American lives. For too long, this community has suffered from a lack of true and accountable oversight. For too long, the soft bigotry of low expectations has prevailed when it comes to the Native American community.
"This widespread dysfunction at HINU is not an isolated incident; it is a symptom of systemic failures, particularly within the Bureau of Indian Education. The Bureau’s oversight has been inadequate, allowing problems to fester unchecked.
"The failures that will be addressed today rest squarely on the shoulders of the Bureau, Secretary Haaland’s oversight, and by extension, President Joe Biden.
"Future administrations, starting with President Trump, should make it a priority to rectify the gross neglect at HINU.
"The students at Haskell have been deprived of what should be the number one guarantee in our educational system, a safe learning environment. The allegations in a recently released investigative report are startling. They include bullying, harassment, multiple failures to address sexual assault cases, and a general culture of unresponsiveness to student complaints.
"Perhaps more troublesome is that the report’s eventual production was delayed. Evidence points to possible omissions and alterations to the final, publicly available copy. With each new development, the academic integrity of the institution has been severely compromised.
"I look forward to hearing from our witnesses. We will hear from individuals who experienced things that no one should have to experience at school or in the workplace. The Bureau of Indian Education will be asked to explain how and why a BIE operated school tolerates the exploitation of its students. In part, HINU’s institutional code states: 'Be accountable for words, thoughts, and deeds and engage in conduct and behavior that reflects the institutional values of the University.' These can’t be just words.
"This Committee must oversee the implementation of reforms that will prevent future generations of Native American students from being harmed."