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ObamaCare Forecast: Higher Costs, Less Work, and More Burdens

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Winter may be over, but more dark days are await the Democrats’ health care law. Contrary to the Obama administration’s promises, headlines suggest more tough times lie ahead as the nation grapples with the consequences of ObamaCare: Health care costs on the rise Medical claims costs – the biggest driver of health insurance premiums – will jump an average 32% for Americans' individual polices unde... Read more »

Mr. President, why not try responsible spending cuts?

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To get the nation’s fiscal house in order, the American people shouldn’t have to choose between higher taxes and indiscriminate budget cuts. Yet that is precisely the false choice President Obama wants the country to make. House Republicans have twice advanced a responsible alternative, one that addresses Washington’s addiction to reckless spending. Instead of across-the-board cuts that will hurt ... Read more »

Obama Pre-K Proposal Raises Serious Questions

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When President Obama called for expanded access to early childhood education during Tuesday’s State of the Union address, House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline warned, “Before we spend more taxpayer dollars on new programs, we must first review what is and is not working in existing initiatives, such as Head Start.” House and Senate Republicans have raised questions ab... Read more »

What They’re Saying: Popularity of Obama K-12 Waivers in Decline

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As it turns out, President Obama’s controversial plan to rewrite K-12 education law via executive fiat isn’t as popular as the administration thought. A growing number of education leaders and policy experts have recently come forward to express their doubts about the president’s waiver scheme, noting the waivers fail to provide the lasting, meaningful reform our nation’s children deserve: Marc Tu... Read more »

ObamaCare Reality Check: More Americans Being Pushed Out of Traditional Health Care

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In 2009, President Obama promised that once his health care bill became law “all of the overheated rhetoric over reform [would] finally confront the reality of reform.” Of all the president’s promises about the health care law, this one has come true. A new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) highlights the grim reality of ObamaCare. According to the nonpartisan analysis, the president... Read more »

Buyer’s Remorse? Unions Grow Wary of ObamaCare

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It’s no secret Big Labor strongly supported the president’s government takeover of health care. Back in 2010, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said unions would do "everything we can" to gin up congressional support for the president’s health care law. Nearly three years after ObamaCare became law, union leaders seem to be second-guessing their fervent support for the government takeover of health... Read more »

Exploring the Opposition to a Worker’s Right to Choose

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We have to get past this whole situation where we manufacture crises because of politics. That actually leads to less certainty, more conflict, and we can't all focus on coming together to grow. – President Barack Obama, 12/10/12 If the president followed his own advice, there would be less confusion over Michigan’s effort to strengthen workers rights. Leaders in the Wolverine State have approved... Read more »

"Most Transparent Ever"? Administration Continues to Ignore Congressional Oversight

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Late last week, the Obama administration’s Department on Health and Human Services (HHS) quietly informed a Wisconsin newspaper that it would not announce the results of the Head Start re-competition process this year. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Grants were expected to be awarded in November or December, but Kenneth Wolfe, a spokesman for the Administration for Children and Famil... Read more »

Where are the jobs from ObamaCare?

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“So this bill is not only about the health security of America. It's about jobs. In its life it will create 4 million jobs…” – Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), 02/25/2010 More jobs – one of many promises made by Washington Democrats trying to sell the public a government takeover of health care. Yet more than two years since ObamaCare became law the American people are still asking: Where are ... Read more »

What is the Administration Hiding?

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The imperial presidency continues to decide which laws it will follow and which laws it will ignore. After taking steps to rein in the president’s attempt to rewrite welfare reform through executive fiat, Congress is now contending with an administration that won’t follow basic rules governing the regulatory process. And America’s job-creators are starting to notice. The Regulatory Flexibility Act... Read more »

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