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Did Someone Say "Glitch"?

| Posted in Left Turns

Today ObamaCare went live in states across the country – sort of. Though the president admitted there would be “glitches” along the way, he never warned how widespread the errors in this government-run health care system would be. Headlines highlight the delays, errors, and, yes, glitches that are creating angst and frustration as the American people struggle to navigate the next phase in the gove... Read more »

Committee Chairs Express Concerns About Higher Education Provisions in Senate Defense Appropriations Legislation

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Chairmen Rogers and Young and Ranking Members Lowey and Visclosky: As the Fiscal Year 2014 Department of Defense Appropriations Act moves through the legislative process, we write to oppose sections 8103 and 8104 of the Senate bill. While intended to punish bad actors from accessing higher education, both provisions harm low-income and veteran students and their colleges and fail to increase... Read more »

Committee Seeks Information on Regulatory Changes Affecting Federal Contractors

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Dear Secretary Perez: On August 27, 2013, the U.S. Department of Labor (the department) announced its plans to finalize two new regulations concerning hiring and employment policies of federal contractors and subcontractors. These regulations will change requirements for hiring protected veterans and individuals with disabilities under the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974... Read more »

Committee Requests Information on Missing Regulatory Proposal Affecting Union Health Care Plans

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Dear Secretary Perez and Director Burwell: We respectfully request clarification regarding the Obama administration’s regulatory efforts related to Taft-Hartley health insurance plans (Taft-Hartley plans) and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Although we appreciate the confirmation provided by the Department of the Treasury that an individual cannot benefit from employer-prov... Read more »

GOP Leaders Request Information on Administration’s Attempt to Shut Down Louisiana Private School Choice Program

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Dear Attorney General Holder: On August 22, 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana to prevent the state of Louisiana from offering private school choice opportunities to children in school districts with existing desegregation orders. This action will affect hundreds of low-income and minority children in 34 distr... Read more »

Leaders Request Information on Regulatory Process from Agencies Within Committee's Jurisdiction

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Chairman John Kline (R-MN), Elementary and Secondary Education Subcommittee Chairman Todd Rokita (R-IN), Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Workforce Protections Subcommittee Chairman Tim Walberg (R-MI) and Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee Chairman Phil Roe (R-TN) have sent letters to several agencies within the committee's jur... Read more »

Despite White House Objections, AFL-CIO Joins Chorus of Unions Critical of ObamaCare

| Posted in Left Turns

Overcoming White House objections, members of the AFL-CIO approved a resolution that cites a “laundry list of complaints against ObamaCare.” The Federation – which represents more than 12 million workers – described the law as “highly disruptive” to its health care plans. It seems AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka can no longer deny the devastating consequences of a law he once praised as a “histor... Read more »

Kline, Camp Seek Cost Estimate of Extending ObamaCare Tax Credits to Union Health Plans

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Mr. Elmendorf and Mr. Barthold: We request information regarding the projected increase in subsidy spending should premium tax credits also be made available to individuals enrolled in multiemployer health plans. It is critical that Congress understand the potential ramifications on the federal budget of a possible new regulatory decree by the administration that would allow millions of union... Read more »

The REINS Act: Strengthening Regulatory Accountability For America’s Students and Workers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

This week the House of Representatives is expected to consider H.R. 367, the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act. Sponsored by Rep. Todd Young (R-IN), the legislation would require federal agencies to submit major regulations (those with an annual economic effect of more than $100 million) to Congress for approval. H.R. 367 will help control regulatory costs and promote ... Read more »

House Democrats Reverse Course, Back Smart Policies in Republican Student Loan Bill

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

In a landslide vote, the Democrat-led Senate finally amended and approved House-passed legislation to get politicians out of the business of setting student loan interest rates. As Chairman Kline said after yesterday’s remarkable vote, “We finally have a Senate agreement worthy of public support [that] reflects the policies and priorities of the House-passed Smarter Solutions for Students Act. Thi... Read more »

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