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Committee Requests DOL Determination on Legal Obligations of Worker Centers

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Secretary Perez: In the last decade, the line between so-called “worker centers” and labor organizations has blurred. Today, many of these “worker centers” are dealing with employers directly on behalf of employees. Given these activities, a case has been made that at least some “worker centers” are labor organizations as defined by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), ... Read more »

What They’re Saying: School Leaders Voice Strong Support for Student Success Act

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Support continues to grow for the Student Success Act (H.R. 5), legislation the House is currently considering to rewrite the nation’s K-12 education law. As detailed in letters sent to the committee, the Student Success Act will help raise student achievement by restoring local control, supporting more effective teachers, reducing the federal footprint, and empowering parents: “The Student Succes... Read more »

Parents: A Student's Greatest Advocate

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Studies show parental involvement is a significant factor in determining a child’s success in the classroom. But instead of recognizing this important role, existing federal policies have made schools more accountable to Washington bureaucrats than parents and local communities. In addition, layers of federal regulations have limited education options, preventing families from finding alternatives... Read more »

Trusting State and Local Education Leaders

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

No one understands the needs of students better than the parents, teachers, and school administrators who spend time with them every day. Yet current law assumes Washington knows best, mandating one-size-fits-all accountability requirements that restrict states’ ability to effectively evaluate and improve student achievement. It’s time to end this top-down approach and give state and local leaders... Read more »

Fact Sheet: H.R. 2637, the Supporting Academic Freedom Through Regulatory Relief Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Over the last decade, college costs have skyrocketed. Annual in-state tuition and fees at public four-year universities cost an average of $4,793 in 2001. Today, that price tag is $8,665 – an 81 percent increase. Similar trends can be seen at private institutions and two-year degree programs. Despite the Obama administration’s failed attempts to rein in college costs through new gove... Read more »

ObamaCare Veers Off the Tracks

| Posted in Left Turns

In the latest sign ObamaCare is a train wreck, the Obama administration has announced it will not enforce the law’s employer mandate next year. This dramatic decision to delay implementation of a critical part of the health care law has surprised many. For weeks the administration has claimed the law was running on schedule except for a few minor bumps in the road. In fact, just last month Health ... Read more »

Kids Deserve Great Teachers in the Classroom

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

For more than a decade, federal K-12 education law has relied upon strict requirements to determine “highly qualified” teachers. These requirements focus solely on credentials and diplomas, and ignore an educator’s ability to actually teach and raise student achievement levels. Our children deserve better. The House Education and the Workforce Committee is advancing the Student Success Act, legisl... Read more »

Why Do Democrats Oppose a Long-Term Student Loan Solution? Answer: 2014

| Posted in Left Turns

Today rates on new subsidized Stafford loans double from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent. But it didn’t have to be this way. The Democrat infighting on student loan interest rates has left a lot of people scratching their heads. In April, President Obama urged Congress to pass a long-term, market based solution that would permanently take the threat of a rate hike off the table. One month later the Hou... Read more »

A Better Approach to K-12 Education

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Decades of growing federal intrusion in America’s elementary and secondary schools has failed to significantly improve student achievement. Nearly half of our elementary school children are below grade level in reading and math, and far too many high school students graduate without the skills they need to succeed. It’s time for a better approach. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce... Read more »

Where is Senate Democrats’ plan to stop student loan rates from doubling?

| Posted in Left Turns

In the debate over student loan interest rates, there’s one major thing missing: Senate action. As a new video points out, the House of Representatives is the only chamber that has passed legislation to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1st: The House Republican plan, which is similar to a proposal put forth by President Obama, ties interest rates to the market and provides... Read more »

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