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Republican Principles for Ensuring Student Success in the 21st Century

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Objectives Help each child achieve his or her full and unique potential Give students the tools and knowledge to succeed in the 21st century Ensure America’s educational system is the best in the world We will do this by Restoring Local Control. Academic standards, testing systems, and curriculum should be set by states and local educators—without coercion from the federal government—to ensure th... Read more »

When Union Bosses Say, “Jump” …

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

“We are very close to the 60 votes we need. It we aren't able to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, we will work with President Obama and Vice President Biden and their appointees to the National Labor Relations Board to change the rules governing forming a union through administrative action…” (Stewart Acuff, “Restoring the Right to Form Unions and Bargain Collectively,” Huffington Post, 02.03.10... Read more »

SOTU Preview: A Phony Freeze & Growing Government … But Where Are the Jobs?

| Posted in Left Turns

As President Obama prepares to deliver his first State of the Union address, the Administration continues to pay lip service to job creation in the face of double-digit unemployment rates and continued job losses. But a close look at the policies proposed by the White House in recent days reveals just more of the same big-government policies that have failed to spur a real economic recovery. A Spe... Read more »

Nevadans Share No Holiday Cheer for Card Check

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

More news from the people of Nevada who continue to roundly reject big labor’s number one priority – the Employee Free Choice Act. In a report in the Las Vegas Sun, a new poll shows a majority of Nevadans would rather keep their right to a secret ballot. New polling out today shows little support in Nevada for key provisions of the Employee Free Choice Act, the labor-led legislation that would mak... Read more »

EFCA: Part of a “toxic political environment”

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

It is no secret that the Democrats’ big government agenda is sending a shockwave of uncertainty throughout our economy. Rather than getting back to doing what they do best – like growing their enterprises and hiring new workers – America’s employers are sitting on the sidelines because the Administration and its congressional allies have offered few incentives for job creation. In fact, they have ... Read more »

EFCA: If it’s too risky for an election year, isn’t it just plain too risky?

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Previewing next year’s legislative calendar, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has informed her members that she will try to protect them during an election year by limiting the number of controversial bills brought to a vote. Perhaps the Speaker is referring to those big government policies that the American people have rejected – like a national energy tax, massive deficit spending, and a government takeover... Read more »

Workforce Investment Improvement Act (H.R. 4271)

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Republicans are committed to a dynamic, results-oriented job training system that can effectively serve job seekers and workers in need of retraining. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2009 (H.R. 4271) – introduced by Reps. Brett Guthrie (R-KY), Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), and fellow Education and Labor Committee Republicans – builds on reforms proposed by Republicans in recent years... Read more »

What They’re Saying: Financial Aid Professionals & Opinion Leaders Raise Doubts About Government Takeover of Student Lending

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“Because of the type of software developed specifically for our current computer system, our transition process is not simply a matter of purchasing and rapidly installing an ‘off the shelf’ program. Transition to direct lending would require an investment of well over a million dollars and a timeline for implementation exceeding one year….To add the cost of converting our system to direct lending... Read more »

Just Another Government Takeover: the Student Aid & Fiscal Responsibility Act (H.R. 3221)

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In September, House Democrats passed H.R. 3221, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act. To date, the Senate has not taken any legislative action or signaled when it plans to consider the bill. The legislation fulfills President Obama’s call to abolish the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program and replace it with a system of government-run lending directly from the U.S. Treasury. Thi... Read more »

EFCA: Big Labor’s New Year’s Resolution

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

It’s that time of year again when people begin to make their New Year’s resolutions – promising to hit the gym, eat better, or read more. For union bosses, their number one resolution will no doubt be getting Congress to finally pass their misnamed Employee Free Choice Act. Admittedly, it has been a tough sale so far. With their failed “stimulus” package, a push for a job-killing national energy t... Read more »

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