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"Oh, tax reform is working"

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A former small business owner herself, Chairwoman Virginia Foxx has been talking to business owners who are putting money into their businesses and their employees because of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. To watch video, click here. Read more »

Prosperous People = Prosperous Country

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Chairwoman Virginia Foxx talks about her relationship with President Trump and his vision for a prosperous America ahead of tonight's State of the Union. To watch video, click here. Read more »

ICYMI: Every Family Deserves a Choice in Education

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Every Family Deserves a Choice in Education By Secretary Betsy DeVos, Senator Lamar Alexander & Chairwoman Virginia Foxx Education holds the key to unlocking the full potential of all children. A high-quality education can equip a child with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue the American dream. Unfortunately, today millions of students remain stuck in schools that aren’t allowing them to ... Read more »

ICYMI: Taming the tuition tiger

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Taming the tuition tiger By Chairwoman Virginia Foxx and Ed Feulner — Monday, January 22, 2018 You can’t put a price on education, the saying goes, but if you did, it would be very high. And the cost falls on everyone. Indeed, our economy is hampered by a two-pronged higher education problem: Collectively, Americans have racked up some $1.4 trillion in outstanding student loan debt. At the same t... Read more »

In Photos: National School Choice Rally

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Last week, at a rally held on Capitol Hill, Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) joined U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and scores of students, teachers, and families to celebrate National School Choice Week. Read more »

Holding Job Corps to a Higher Standard of Accountability

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The Job Corps program has the potential to offer a lifeline to disadvantaged youth, and can be instrumental in helping them become responsible and employable members of the workforce. The program was created to encourage civic engagement, and many past students have been able to use their Job Corps experience as a launching pad to a fulfilling life and career. However, though its purpose is powerf... Read more »

ICYMI: Today's College Students Aren't Who You Think

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Today's College Students Aren't Who You Think By Melissa Korn and Kathryn Tam Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Republicans on Capitol Hill are advocating a fundamental rethink of higher education, pushing for more vocational programs and shorter pathways to credentials. With a House bill aimed at rewriting the 52-year-old Higher Education Act introduced late last year and a Senate version expe... Read more »

The National Labor Relations Board Starting Off on the Right Foot in 2018

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The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an independent federal agency intended to protect the rights of workers, but over the course of the Obama administration, the NLRB handed down many extreme and partisan rulings that harmed American workers and small businesses. Unions were emboldened, while job creation was stifled by the radical policies created by the activist Board. To provide job cr... Read more »

ICYMI: Higher Education Bill Could Heat Up Competition for Adult Students

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Higher Education Bill Could Heat Up Competition for Adult Students By Melissa Korn and Douglas Belkin The Republican bid to overhaul higher education is likely to heat up competition in the fastest-growing segment of the college market: adults over the age of 24. When Congress passed the Higher Education Act in 1965, about one in four students were adults. Today, nearly 40% of college students ar... Read more »

Office Hours With Professor Foxx: “There Are Always Ways to Complete an Education”

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How to pay for school is a question everyone asks. Chairwoman Foxx spent many years as an academic advisor. She knows a thing or two about how students can remain engaged in their intellectual pursuits, regardless of financial obstacles. Students deserve better than the status quo, and that’s why the PROSPER Act will bring the reforms students need to complete an affordable postsecondary education... Read more »

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