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Moving in the Right Direction

Prohibiting Federal Involvement in Common Core

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Common Core. When it comes to education, perhaps no two words are more controversial. What began as a state-led effort to raise student achievement, has now prompted an open revolt against federal intrusion into the nation’s schools. The administration’s controversial waiver scheme and Race to the Top program empowered the secretary of education to push on states a specific set of academic standar... Read more »

Advancing Republican Principles: K-12 Education Reform

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No Child Left Behind was based on good intentions, but it was also based on the flawed premise that Washington knows best what students need to excel in school. The law led to the greatest federal intrusion into K-12 classrooms and failed to provide students the quality education they need to succeed in life. Instead of working with Congress to replace the law, the Obama administration has been s... Read more »

Protecting Tribal Sovereignty

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The House of Representatives is expected to vote this week on the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2015 (H.R. 511), a bipartisan measure that will prevent the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from wrongfully interfering in Native American affairs. Since 2004, the NLRB has used a subjective test to determine when and where to assert its jurisdiction over Indian tribes, raising concerns througho... Read more »

Keeping Our Promises to Native Americans, Part II

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Today, the White House is welcoming leaders from the more than 550 federally recognized Native American tribes for its 2015 Tribal Nations Conference. The event is intended to “strengthen the government-to-government relationship with Indian Country,” an important goal policymakers on both sides of the aisle share. That’s why House Republicans are championing a bipartisan measure to protect tribal... Read more »

Keeping Our Promises to Native Americans, Part I

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Every year since 1994, presidents have issued proclamations designating November “National Native American Heritage Month,” a time to celebrate Native Americans for their rich culture and customs. It’s also a time to reaffirm our commitment to providing Native Americans the quality education they need to succeed. For more than 100 years, the federal government has been responsible for supporting s... Read more »

Putting Americans Back to Work with 21st Century Skills

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This week marks National Apprenticeship Week, a time for students, employees, educators, job creators, and policymakers to reflect on the critical role education and on-the-job experience play in helping Americans succeed in an increasingly competitive and evolving workforce. As conversations take place across the country about the importance of apprenticeships, many will likely also discuss the c... Read more »

Sweet 16

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In the five years since it was enacted, ObamaCare has led to higher costs, fewer full-time jobs, and less access to trusted health care providers. That’s why House Republicans have continued working to dismantle a flawed law that is wreaking havoc on working families and small businesses. Democrats are quick to criticize these efforts, but even the president himself has given his stamp of approval... Read more »

A Better Approach to Higher Education

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College costs are on the rise, national student loan debt has eclipsed the $1 trillion mark, and enrollment rates for low-income students are in decline. The Obama administration has responded to those challenges with more regulations and more expensive programs, an approach that is not working for students, families, and taxpayers (despite claims to the contrary). Meanwhile, Congress has responde... Read more »

Bipartisan Ideas to Strengthen Higher Education

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As summer comes to a close and college-goers begin preparing for the fall semester, students and families face tough challenges fulfilling the dream of a higher education that will prepare them to succeed in the workforce: College costs continue to rise. Over the past decade, the average costs at four-year public and private nonprofit institutions increased by 42 percent and 24 percent, respective... Read more »

Celebrating Workforce Innovation and Opportunity

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One year ago today, President Obama signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is designed to help put Americans back to work by updating and reforming the nation’s broken job training system. As Chairman John Kline (R-MN) said when the law was enacted: We rejected petty politics and put the best interests of working families first. ... Read more »

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