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Allowing Job Creators to Thrive

Foxx Statement at Markup of Democrats' Budget Reconciliation Scheme

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Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) delivered the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at a committee markup of Democrats' partisan budget reconciliation scheme: "Just yesterday we discussed our shared goal of being the model committee again this Congress. I also stressed the importance of ensuring all legislation receives a proper, thoroug... Read more »

Foxx Slams Democrats’ Ed&Labor Budget Reconciliation Provisions

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Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after Education and Labor Committee Democrats unveiled their piece of the budget reconciliation scheme: “Acts of desperation will never yield substantive policy and progress. House Democrats are operating under the impression that their sole imperative for the beginning of the 117th Congress ... Read more »

CBO Says Democrats’ Radical Wage Hike Will Destroy Jobs

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Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report predicting devastating job losses if the national minimum wage is increased to $15, as required by Democrat-authored H.R. 603 (Rep. Scott (D-VA)) and S. 53 (Sen. Sanders (D-VT)): “Today’s CBO report on the radical Democrat leg... Read more »

Democrats Abandon Legislative Procedure, Pass Job Killing Apprenticeship Bill

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Committee on Education and Labor Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, job killing legislation that doubles down on an 80-year-old system and closes pathways to rewarding careers: "Democrats have proven today that they will stop at nothing to advance their shortsighted agenda, even if it means... Read more »

Democrats' Bill Closes Potential Pathways to Work

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Today, the House will vote on H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021. This shortsighted, job-killing legislation doubles down on a flawed 80-year-old system, encourages union giveaways, and limits employers’ abilities to create apprenticeship programs that meet the unique needs of their workers. On the House floor today, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Republican Leader of the Education and ... Read more »

Democrats’ Job Destroying Bill: What They’re Saying

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Today, the House will vote on H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021. At a time when workers are desperately seeking to reenter the workforce, H.R. 447 will limit employers’ abilities to create apprenticeship programs that meet the unique needs of workers and encourages union giveaways. Democrats’ approach to apprenticeships doubles down on burdens that prevent more workers from accessi... Read more »

Foxx Slams Democrats’ #PROUnionBosses Act

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Committee on Education and Labor Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement on the Democrats’ reintroduction of the so-called Protecting the Right to Organize Act, far-reaching, radical legislation that allows union bosses to consolidate power, coerce workers, line their own pockets, and bolster their own political agenda: “A new Congress, but we are seeing the same ill-... Read more »

Is Walsh Anti-Worker?

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The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will hold a confirmation hearing today for President Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Labor, Mayor Marty Walsh. Education and Labor Committee Republicans have legitimate concerns that President Biden’s nominee will fail to deliver for America’s workers and job creators. We’re hoping to get some answers to a few questions today. Will Walsh... Read more »

Foxx Calls out DOL for Ending Successful Compliance Program

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Today, Republican Leader of the Education and Labor Committee, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), issued the following statement rebuking the Biden administration’s decision to eliminate the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Payroll Audit Independent Determination (PAID) program: “Compliance assistance is vital in ensuring that business owners understand and fulfill obligations under the law. With the eliminati... Read more »

A Death Knell for Businesses

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A study published this week called President Biden’s minimum wage mandate a “death knell” for businesses. This isn’t surprising. The Democrats’ radical, job-killing proposal could kill nearly 4 MILLION jobs according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. This ill-timed political stunt from Democrats will fail to deliver their promises of bigger paychecks. In reality, it will result in si... Read more »

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