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Empowering Workers to Succeed

Kline Statement: Full Committee Organizational Meeting

| Posted in Committee Statements

Good morning. Let me begin by welcoming the Members of the Committee, staff, and guests to our first meeting of the 112th Congress. There are many new faces in the room, and with those new faces comes a new degree of eagerness and excitement to get to work. I also am pleased to welcome back a number of members who bring invaluable experience from their years of distinguished service. There is an o... Read more »

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Committee to Hold Hearing on State of the American Workforce

| Posted in Press Releases

On Wednesday, January 25, 2011 at 2 p.m., the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce, chaired by Rep. John Kline (R-MN), will hold a hearing on “The State of the American Workforce” in room 2175 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Since the Great Recession began in December of 2007, more than 7 million jobs have been lost. While the National Bureau of Economic Research has stated th... Read more »

**MEDIA ADVISORY*** Education and the Workforce Committee to Hold Formal Organizational Meeting

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The House Committee on Education and the Workforce will hold its full committee organizational meeting on Tuesday, January 25, at 10:30 a.m. in 2175 Rayburn House Office Building. At the organizational meeting, the Committee will consider: 1. Adoption of the Committee rules 2. Adoption of the Committee oversight plan; and 3. Subcommittee assignments. # # # Read more »

Kline Statement: Consideration of H.R. 2

| Posted in Floor Statements

For 20 consecutive months more than 14 million Americans have been unemployed. As much as we would like to solve this problem, the federal government cannot legislate or regulate our way to job creation. We can, however, foster economic certainty that will encourage families, businesses, and entrepreneurs to spend, hire, and invest. And that is what we will try to do today. Almost one year ago Dem... Read more »

GOP Leaders Release New Report on Job-Killing Government Takeover of Health Care

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House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) issued the following statement today as he joined the House Speaker, Majority Leader, and fellow committee chairmen in unveiling “ObamaCare: A Budget-Busting, Job-Killing Health Care Law,” a new report that reveals job-killing aspects of the controversial health care law: "This report makes a clear and convincing argument that ... Read more »

Kline Backs Plan to Repeal Job-Killing ObamaCare

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Rep. John Kline (R-MN) issued the following statement today regarding legislation he and other House Republicans are proposing to repeal the Democrats’ government takeover of health care: “Republicans are fulfilling our pledge to take up legislation that will repeal and replace the Democrats’ job-killing health care law. For more than a year Washington pursued a government takeover of health care ... Read more »

Kline Named Chairman of House Education and Labor Committee

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Rep. John Kline (R-MN) was selected today to serve as Chairman of the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee in the 112th Congress. Kline, who was first elected to Congress in 2002 and is currently the committee's Senior Republican Member, issued the following statement: “Job creation and American competitiveness are vital national priorities. As Chairman, I will ensure they are at the forefront... Read more »

Kline Outlines Education and Labor Priorities

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Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee’s senior Republican member, today outlined broad-based priorities for education and employment policy that will promote American competitiveness and hold government accountable. Kline is asking for the support of his fellow Republicans as he seeks the chairmanship of the committee for the 112th Congress. “Job number one for the i... Read more »

Education & Labor Republicans in The Hill's Education Special Report

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Rep. John Kline: Education is a jobs issue According to the so-called experts, the Great Recession that began during the winter of 2007 ended in June of 2009. This should be welcome news, but many Americans find it hard to believe. More than 14.8 million workers are still unemployed, and 27 states recently reported an increase in unemployment. Earlier this month, the Department of Labor issued an... Read more »

Pledge to America Delivers the Solutions Americans are Demanding

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House Republicans today unveiled A Pledge to America, a governing agenda developed through an unprecedented dialogue with the American people. The Pledge outlines immediate steps Congress can take to create jobs, restrain spending, reform health care, and enact other sensible reforms sought by the American people. “This agenda is an unequivocal statement about the Republican commitment to listenin... Read more »

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