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A Win for Workers and Job Creators

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The United States has one of the most robust retirement systems in the world, yet many Americans still struggle to plan and save enough for a secure future. Today, the House will vote on the bipartisan Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022 (H.R. 2954). The bill incorporates the Retirement Improvement and Savings Enhancement (RISE) Act, which the Education and Labor Committee approved in Novembe... Read more »

President Biden’s Radical Bills Would Worsen the State of Our Union’s Crisis

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Our nation is in crisis, yet President Biden touted multiple radical bills during his State of the Union address that would double down on the failed economic policies that are hurting America’s workers, job creators, and students. Put together, the bills President Biden called out within the Education and Labor Committee’s jurisdiction would decimate our economy, obliterate the rights of workers,... Read more »

@EdLaborGOP’s Advice to Biden Ahead of SOTU

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The Biden administration’s policies have created worldwide catastrophes. America’s job creators, workers, and students are being forced to deal with the fallout of this administration’s failures. Here’s our advice to President Biden ahead of tonight’s address: Blanket student loan forgiveness is not a solution This administration cares more about appeasing the progressive wing of the Democrat part... Read more »

What They’re Saying: The Levin Amendment Threatens Students’ Right to Privacy

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Today, the House will vote on the Levin Amendment which empowers the Department of Education to the collect the private and sensitive information of college students - including income, race, and disability information - without their consent and without giving them the option to opt-out, even if they refuse federal financial aid. This amendment threatens Americans’ right to choose how their priva... Read more »

What You Should Know About the Levin Amendment

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Democrats are trying to include a troubling amendment in their China bill that will give the Biden administration unprecedented control over Americans’ private and personal information. The Levin amendment will allow the Biden administration to create a data system that will track the personal information of EVERY college student for years into the future without their consent or any ability to op... Read more »

Democrats’ Anti-Worker Polices Won’t Help Our Country Compete with China

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Democrats are sneaking anti-worker and pro-union boss policies into their China bill. These provisions hurt our workforce and hold our economy back, ultimately making us less able to compete with China. Card Check Amendment Democrats’ “Card Check” amendment gets rid of the secret ballot for union elections, a hallmark of free and fair elections. If this becomes law, a union can be immediately form... Read more »

What You Should Know About Democrats’ America CONCEDES Act

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Democrats continue to wage a campaign against American workers, businesses, and students. Their so-called “competitiveness” bill creates wasteful programs, reduces opportunities for workers and students, and opens college campuses to exploitative and coercive investments by the Chinese Communist Party. Clearly, Democrats care more about appeasing China than empowering hardworking American citizens... Read more »

Falling College Enrollment Isn’t a Crisis

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Economists and researchers largely agree on the benefits of a college degree, as study after study show that its return on investment is, on average, positive. Progressive lawmakers and pundits take these findings out of context to push for their preferred polices, such as “free college,” while conveniently ignoring the fact that 4 in 10 college students never graduate or the swath of new research... Read more »

School Choice: The Clear Path to Student Success

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A high-quality education provides students with the necessary tools for success. However, many American students are kept from meeting their full potential because they are in a school that is not tailored to their needs. Families should be empowered to place students in an environment which will challenge and encourage them to achieve. School choice improves student safety. School safety ranks co... Read more »

School Choice Ensures Parents Have a Say in What Their Children Learn

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Washington bureaucrats do not know what is best for your child. Parents are the primary stakeholders in their child’s education. They are the ones with the moral obligation to see that their child receives an education; this duty cannot fall to the government. The left’s paternalistic attempts to insert themselves into the everyday lives of families, particularly when it comes to education, is dan... Read more »

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