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Teachers Overwhelmingly Support School Choice

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Although powerful teachers unions used the pandemic as an excuse to go after school choice policies, new data suggests that teachers themselves support school choice. According to a recent survey by EdChoice, 77 percent of teachers asked were supportive of education savings accounts, 57 percent were supportive of school vouchers, and 64 percent were supportive of charter schools. Further, teachers... Read more »

School Choice Programs Increase Outcomes for Students and Lower Costs for Taxpayers

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Parents have asked for help with more educational options for decades. In the last few years that need has multiplied as many parents fed up with how their children have been treated during the pandemic. School choice gives families the opportunity to enroll their child in an institution that challenges them, develops their skills and intellect, and encourages them to reach higher. Studies show th... Read more »

School Choice is about Providing More Opportunities for Students to Excel

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Parents want what’s best for their children, and many know that isn’t always the public school they are zoned for. Students should have the opportunity to attend a school that meets their needs, whether that be at a different traditional public school, a public charter school, a private school, or home school. No child should be held back by their ZIP code. A good education is too important to lea... Read more »

Biden’s Radical Nominee David Weil: What They’re Saying

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Today, the Senate HELP Committee will vote on David Weil’s nomination as administrator of the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division. After the Senate refused to consider Mr. Weil’s nomination in the First Session of the 117th Congress, President Biden renominated him. Clearly the Biden administration is bowing to its left-wing base by pursuing openly hostile and out-of-touch policies for wo... Read more »

The Parents Have Spoken: Public Schools Aren’t Measuring Up

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Parents are speaking up and the results are clear—they are unhappy with the performance of public schools. A new survey by Free to Learn found that parents are concerned with overall academic standards in K-12 schools and the prevalence of virtual learning. It also found that Americans believe parents should have a larger role in their child’s education. Academic Achievement Is Getting Further out... Read more »

Union Bosses are the Only Winners in Biden’s America

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President Biden’s so-called Build Back Better agenda is a Big Labor payout. The Biden administration takes every chance it gets to bolster the power of union bosses, even signing an executive order to create a task force to force more workers into unions. Biden’s massive spending bill includes billions of dollars in green energy projects designed to benefit Big Labor. For example, under Democrats’... Read more »

Free Speech on College Campuses is Under Attack

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When students leave home to attend a college or university, few expect to have their freedom of expression stifled, but that is exactly what is happening on campuses across the country. Attending college is supposed to be about learning how to think critically and engage with diverse points of view. Yet too many college students are harassed or discriminated against by fellow students, faculty mem... Read more »

Quick Take: A Faith Coalition Criticizes Democrats’ Spending Bill

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Democrats spend-and-tax monstrosity explicitly discriminates against faith-based child care providers. It is no wonder that a large coalition of faith-based organizations have sent a letter to the Senate HELP Committee expressing concern about the bill. The Faith Coalition rightly points out: “[T]he current child care and universal pre-kindergarten (UPK) provisions in the Build Back Better Act wil... Read more »

Democrats’ Spending Bill Discriminates Against Faith-Based Providers

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Democrats’ claims that religious providers can participate in H.R. 5376’s child care programs are FALSE. Repeating a lie doesn’t make it true. Child care provisions in Democrats’ so-called Build Back Better bill will push faith-based providers out of the market and severely limit parental choice. Myth: Build Back Better funds are available to faith-based child care providers with no strings attach... Read more »

Biden Bill Bleeds American Businesses Dry

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Tucked into the Democrats’ socialist spending bill is a nasty scheme intended to bleed American job creators dry. The Education and Labor Committee provisions in this bill alone would add a whopping $454.1 billion to the deficit. How do Democrats propose to pay for their outrageous expansion of the federal bureaucracy? Through massive fines leveled on job creators. These unprecedented increases in... Read more »

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