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Democrats in Disarray over Socialist Drug Pricing Scheme

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Democrats cannot come to a consensus over whether or not to socialize drug pricing. H.R. 3, the Higher Costs and Fewer Cures Act, is packaged into the radical fiscal year 2022 budget and would allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to mandate private companies’ drug prices or face a bankruptcy-inducing 95 percent tax rate. It’s government interference in the dealings of private companies... Read more »

Quick Take: Committee Democrats Swoon Over Communist China

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China has American students in its crosshairs, but Democrats can't be bothered to lift a finger. Democrats on the Education and Labor Committee just voted against three amendments offered by Republicans to ensure students, institutions, and our country are protected from the communist threat posed by this regime. What happened to the imperatives of putting students first and protecting the integri... Read more »

Quick Take: Democrats Fail Students Impacted by Biden’s Afghanistan Mess

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Americans have been horrified over the last month as we have witnessed the dangerous and inept withdrawal of America from Afghanistan. American education institutions may have students or employees who were evacuated after the fall of Kabul. They may have students or employees who had friends or family members evacuated. They may have veterans of the Afghanistan war suffering from trauma in the af... Read more »

Quick Take: Federal Takeover of Higher Education

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Quick Take: Federal Takeover of Higher Education Instead of expanding all educational opportunities for students, Democrats intend to dictate what choices millions of students make along the path of their postsecondary education with the promise of “free” tuition. Not all students are best served through these traditional baccalaureate degree programs. Indeed, the data suggests that students are i... Read more »

Quick Take: A Death Knell for Small and Private Businesses

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Democrats won’t be receiving any “Thank You” cards from small and private businesses any time soon. The Democrat’s partisan spending spree includes a provision to increase civil monetary penalties radically under the Fair Labor Standards Act by 900 percent. The National Federation of Independent Business sent a letter opposing this radical legislation. Their letter rightly pointed out: “FLSA viola... Read more »

Quick Take: Employers Deserve Religious Freedoms Too

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One of government’s most basic responsibilities is to defend fiercely freedom of religion. Unfortunately, Democrats often abandon that call and become religious freedom’s greatest threat. Their latest battleground against our first amendment rights is the budget. The Democrats’ plan allocates funding that could result in a rewriting of key Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance on... Read more »

Quick Take: Democrats Accelerate Biden’s Inflation Crisis

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The inflation crisis is on track to hit the highest level since 1981 and is already up more than 7 percent since Biden took office. Democrats are pushing yet another irresponsible spending bill that will accelerate Biden’s inflation crisis. Congressional Democrats are asking Americans to pay for these socialist programs twice: once with taxes from their hard-earned paychecks and again at gas pumps... Read more »

Quick Take: Democrats Limit Parental Choice, Shut Down Faith-Based Child Care Providers

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One of the strong benefits of child care in this country is the fact that parents have the opportunity to choose a provider that works best for them – whether that involves placing a child in a provider’s home, a child care center, or a child care run by a faith-based provider. The child care community and parents who are rightfully worried that America’s diverse system built on parental preferenc... Read more »

Quick Take: Democrats Manipulate Drug Prices at Employers’ Expense

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Democrats are artificially lowering Medicare drug prices and asking employers to pay the difference. Their plan, known as H.R. 3, is being rolled into the budget reconciliation process to advance socialized medicine and deliver another blow to employer-sponsored insurance. Under H.R. 3, drug companies will be forced to negotiate with the Secretary of Health and Human Services to lower drug costs o... Read more »

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