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Quick Take: Democrats Block Protections for Religious Freedom

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Freedom of religion is a God-given right, yet Democrats seem to believe it is a government-given privilege. Bit by bit, they are denying Americans their constitutionally protected right to religious freedom. The Democrats voted against keeping in place a current DOL rule encouraging full and equal participation from religious organizations doing business with the federal government as contractors.... Read more »

What You Need to Know: Democrats' Latest Spending Spree

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Yet again, Democrats are attempting to ram through a massive spending package that balloons the national debt and the left-wing agenda in one fell swoop. Here’s what you need to know about the horrible education and labor provisions in the Fiscal Year 2022 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act: Labor Provisions: ➢ Emboldens federal bureaucrats. The bi... Read more »

Union Bosses’ Paychecks are Not Infrastructure

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The PRO Act is a dangerous step backward for the American workforce. That’s why Democrats are subverting the people’s will by considering this payoff for union bosses as part of their so-called ‘infrastructure’ proposal. The Senate Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Committee is meeting today to promote this radical legislation, a precursor to their potential fight to include it in Biden’s la... Read more »

What You Need to Know: S.J. Res. 13

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This week, Democrats are pushing a joint resolution that repeals common-sense reforms to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) woefully inadequate conciliation process. The Trump administration published these rules to amend what one federal judge called a “sue first, ask questions later” approach to addressing workplace discrimination claims. Published on January 14, 2021, the new EEOC... Read more »

@EdLaborGOP is Working to Expand Child Care Access

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A strong child care system stimulates the economy by allowing both working parents and job creators to thrive. Unfortunately, red tape in the Democrats’ American Rescue Plan (ARP) prevents states from spending on measures that will meaningfully improve the quality and quantity of child care by restricting investments in the long-term sustainability of the child care industry and denying assistance... Read more »

Democrats Use Students With Disabilities to Argue Socialist Agenda

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Pandemic-related school closures are disproportionately impacting students with disabilities. This is not new information. Recognizing this problem, Republican Leaders wrote a letter calling for a bipartisan investigation into the effects school closures are having on children with disabilities, including whether and how states are complying with federal special education requirements. Republicans... Read more »

@EdLaborGOP Works to Protect Independent Contractors

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Our nation’s diverse workforce is one of the things that makes the American economy so strong. Unfortunately, as we continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, the policies put in place by House Democrats and President Biden have destroyed millions of jobs and robbed workers of the flexibility to create their own work schedules by eliminating the independent contractor model. In March, House D... Read more »

President Biden’s Crushing American Families Plan

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The Biden plan would force Americans who do NOT have a college degree to foot the bill for free community college tuition to ALL students, including illegal immigrants. Facts: Republicans want to empower students to get an education that meets their unique needs and sets them up for lifelong success. Democrats want to force Americans to pursue their preferred academic pathway, thereby limiting opp... Read more »

About Those Bills Biden Wants

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During last night’s Joint Address, President Biden supported several radical bills in the Education and Labor Committee’s jurisdiction, which, as those of us who read past the titles know, are contrary to the American ideals of freedom and equality. Behind the President’s flashy endorsements are dangerous proposals that will weaken workers’ rights, make it more expensive to invest in the American ... Read more »

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