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National Charter School Week—honoring the opportunity to bring education choice to families

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As we celebrate National Charter School Week, watch Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Republican Leader Rep. Rick Allen (R-GA), talk about the importance of charter schools in giving families the opportunity to decide the best educational environment for their students. To watch Representative Allen's remarks, click here. Read more »

About that hearing (“Pro Act” Edition)…

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Last week, Democrats spent the better half of a day grilling Labor Secretary Acosta with shots aimed at undermining the roaring economy and bemoaning the additional hard-earned money sitting in American pockets. They followed up this week with a hearing hailing labor unions as the cure for many of society’s ills and pointing to union achievements from 80 years ago as evidence. Today, we’re seeing ... Read more »

Stronger CAPTA

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The Committee on Education and Labor just unanimously reported H.R. 2480, the bipartisan Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (Stronger CAPTA). Next stop: the Floor of the House of Representatives. To watch the video, click here. To read the Stronger CAPTA fact sheet, click here. # # # Read more »

Why Democrats wanted a Medicare-for-All hearing *without* workers

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Democrats and health care legislation. Every time they get in a room together, American workers pay the price—in hard-earned money and peace of mind. Today, a Pelosi-controlled committee that doesn’t have expertise in or jurisdiction over health care is meeting to discuss the future of Medicare-for-All, the latest push in Democrat efforts to take away options and put the government in charge of ev... Read more »

Honoring NCMEC

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Watch Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Republican Leader of the Committee on Education and Labor, celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC): To watch the video, click here. Remarks as prepared for delivery: Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize the 35th anniversary of the founding of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ... Read more »

Who's next?

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Committee Democrats used a “bipartisan” higher education hearing to vilify a sector of postsecondary education that serves approximately 10% of America’s students looking for specific career skills. No one disagrees that bad actors in education, at any level, proclaiming any purpose, must be held accountable. But the relentless drive to eliminate certain schools begs the question: who’s next? Cont... Read more »

The Paycheck Fairness Act is not for working women

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The Paycheck Fairness Act is a bill for trial lawyers, not a bill for working women. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Read what others are saying about the bill: HR Policy Association: As written, the bill would penalize legitimate, nondiscriminatory pay decisions; impose an unworkable burden of proof on employers that even The Washington Post has said “potentially invites too much int... Read more »

They want women to sue the boss. We want women to be the boss.

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Click here to watch the video online. Remarks as delivered: Thank you, Madam Chairman. I have worked for most of my life. I entered the workforce as a young woman not because I wanted to, but because I had to. I knew the burden of poverty well. If I didn’t work to support myself, if I didn’t contribute to my family income, we would go hungry. While I have been enormously blessed to have gone from... Read more »

Watch: Being a woman in politics

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Watch Education and Labor Republican Leader Virginia Foxx talk about being a woman in politics and the advice she has given and received. To watch, click here. Photo courtesy of the Washington Examiner. # # # Read more »

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